Healing Happens NM, LLC
(505) 271-8888

Pain is common in pregnancy, but pain is never normal. Pain means something is not right. There are just as many women with absolutely no pain or discomfort during pregnancy as there are those who end up using a walker or wheelchair by the 40th week.
Neck and Upper back pain
Mid back and Rib pain
Abdominal muscle pain and Diastasis
Carpal tunnel and Neuropathy
Low back pain
Sacroiliac Joint pain (SI)
Sciatic Nerve pain
Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot pain
Breech, transverse, oblique baby
Every mom has a unique situation. Dr. Hobson carefully performs chiropractic, orthopedic and neurological tests to diagnose the cause and source of the pain. She uses light force adjustment techniques for treatment of the pelvis and low back. These areas undergo the most physical stress and changes due to connective tissue softening from the rising hormones of pregnancy. Standard manual adjustments in the pelvis or low back are likely too much force and will further stretch elements that are already unstable.
Dr. Hobson teaches her patients modified stretching and other home therapies. Some patients do require a low profile pelvic support belt to help hold the adjustment. Our patients pregnant with twins may need a classic maternity belly lifting belt. Dr. Hobson typically waits to use a belt until the baby is head down. If the mom is in the first or second trimester or the baby is breech, Dr. Hobson may use Kinesio Tape to support the joints instead.
Dr. Hobson evaluates many women who's baby is not in the ideal birth position by 28 weeks. This includes transverse, oblique, and various breech positions. The Webster Technique is used to evaluate the mother's pelvis and determine the type of chiropractic adjustments needed. Our goal is to straighten out a rotated pelvis and balance the tone of muscles and tendons to give the baby more room to turn on its own. At no time does Dr. Hobson push directly on the baby as in an external cephalic version. The version (ECV) is performed in the hospital by a medical doctor. We have found that the ECV is more successful when the mother has been adjusted 3-4 times before the hospital procedure.
Post-partum care typically consists of only one or two visits within the first 6 weeks of delivery. We want the pelvis to heal straight as the hormones come back down. Of course, if new issues arise from the delivery we may begin a new treatment plan.
Post-partum Thyroiditis can onset within the first 6-9 months after a delivery. Wide spread muscle and joint pain are common in both the hyper and hypo phase of the thyroiditis. Dr. Hobson can order thyroid screen blood panels to help track your thyroid function. If a mother is suffering too much from pain, fatigue, depression, swelling, hair loss and weight gain during the hypothyroid phase, then Dr. Hobson can prescribe thyroid hormone replacement. The thyroid usually makes a full recovery and we can ween you off the medication.
Hashimoto's and other Auto-Immune diseases can onset after a stressful event like being pregnant and birthing a baby. Simple blood test can help us to figure out unexplained symptoms that can be related to an auto-immune disease. Patients with Hashimoto's require medication for life. Initially, it can be difficult to find the correct dosing. Dr. Hobson may send you for repeat TSH testing every 4-6 weeks to check blood levels and make changes as needed.
Post-Surgical Patients
C-sections, hysterectomy, breast reconstruction
Surgeries, whether scheduled or unplanned, often create a new set of problems. Dr. Hobson uses various support pillows to ensure a comfortable position while on the treatment table.
C-Section patients usually feel well enough to lie face down on a support pillow by 2 weeks post-op.
Rib pain and misalignment can occur from insufflation of the abdomen (filling the body cavity with air) to make more room for the surgeon to work during a laparoscopic procedure.
Hip pain and pelvic misalignment can occur from the patient's position during surgery. Patients may be side-lying or in stirrups for an extended amount of time. The patient with early osteoarthritis of the hip may have a particularly difficult time in these positions.
Scar adhesion may develop even years after a surgery. Our staff may use therapeutic ultrasound to help soften the scar. Dr. Hobson is licensed to perform injections into the scar with Procaine, Sarapin, and many homeopathic medicines.
VBAC incision leaves scar tissue from the skin through all the muscle layers and into the uterine wall. Dr. Hobson will teach safe massage and stretching of abdominal and pelvic muscles to help with tight scars as they lengthen with the next pregnancy.
Bariatric / Weight Loss Surgery patients are allowed to take only a few types of oral pain medications. Dr. Hobson can prescribe a topical compounded formula specific to your needs. Topical medications are available for joint pain, nerve pain, muscle spasm and inflammation.
Bio-Identical Hormones
Pre, Peri & Post Menopause
Since 2010, Dr. Hobson has been prescribing bio-identical hormones to her patients. Through clinical experience, Dr. Hobson has seen that most pre-menopausal women have too wide of a gap between Progesterone and the Estrogens. Blood tests can reveal where the break down in hormone production or conversion is happening. Dr. Hobson's philosophy is to begin by supporting normal body processes and not to over-ride them. Her first step in managing these cases is to make diet changes and consider the use of natural supplements. All too often, women are low in HDL (the good cholesterol) which is the first step in sex hormone production- and such an easy fix. If after several cycles little or no improvement is seen, then it is the time to discuss a compounded prescription.
Peri-menopause can begin in a woman's 40's. All the sex hormones can begin to decline or we can see an isolated problem. Blood work and symptoms will help us to decide which hormones to prescribe and at what dosage.
Post-menopausal hormone replacement begins with Prog/Est and in some cases we add testosterone or DHEA.